Possible to change magnifier graphic

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Author Post
Registered: Sep 2013
Posts: 17
I have my css set to custom theme. I think it was preset to that.

I see other magnifier glass graphics in the different color themes. Tried the blue theme, but magnifier remained the same. Don't want a different theme anyway, just want to be able to change the graphics for magnifier on hovering.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
I'll assume that when you say you have your css set to custom theme, you mean to say that you have the colorTheme option set to "custom".

There are two different magnify graphics. I'm not sure which one you are trying to alter. One is the custom mouse cursor that can show when hovering over re-sizable content. The other is the resize control up in the top-left corner.

The custom cursor is the same in all color themes, and is black and white. If you want a different custom cursor, you could replace the magnify_plus.cur and magnify_minus.cur files in the floatbox/graphics folder.

The graphic for the magnify glass used by the resizer control in the top-left corner of the content differs by colorTheme. The one used for the custom colorTheme is found at floatbox/graphics/custom/resizer.gif. To use a different image you can either replace that resizer.gif with another graphic or modify the path to resizer.gif in the custom.css file.
Registered: Sep 2013
Posts: 17
admin wrote
I'll assume that when you say you have your css set to custom theme, you mean to say that you have the colorTheme option set to "custom".


admin wrote
There are two different magnify graphics. I'm not sure which one you are trying to alter. One is the custom mouse cursor that can show when hovering over re-sizable content.

This one.

admin wrote
The custom cursor is the same in all color themes, and is black and white. If you want a different custom cursor, you could replace the magnify_plus.cur and magnify_minus.cur files in the floatbox/graphics folder.

Ok. I see I can convert a png file to a cur file with my Microangelo program. Thanks.

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