Captions and line breaks

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Author Post
Registered: Sep 2013
Posts: 17
I recently converted some pages over to Floatbox from the old original Lightbox.

All my captions were already in the title in the href statement. To control line breaks in the old Lightbox, I had to use

instead of <br \> so the break code did not show when hovering over the thumbnail. This worked in the old Lightbox for both thumbnail hover and enlargement caption.

Now, after implementing Floatbox, I discovered

did not work for an enlargement caption line break, so I converted all to <br \> and it worked fine for the enlargement caption, BUT...

Now I have the <br \> code showing up on thumbnail hover and no break. A solution is to put a title statement on both href and img statement - the href using <br \> and the img using

and that works. However, I would have to fix over 100 statements!

I'm hoping for an easier solution.
Registered: Sep 2013
Posts: 17
You can see the problem here.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
There is no option in Floatbox to parse out encoded character entities in the title attribute before displaying it as a caption. If no caption is set, the titleAsCaption functionality will use the title attribute verbatim for the caption.

If the caption is to be different than the title, or if the caption is to include HTML entities, the caption option needs to be used.

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