close buttons not showing

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Author Post
Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 9
on this page:

there are no navigation links showing. when i scroll over the lower right corner, the cursor changes to the finger and when i click it, the window disappears. why can i NOT see the text? i am pretty sure the images are uploaded.

very frustrating. :?) thanks for any help.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
The floatbox.css in use on that site has been modified and the modifications have broken it. For example, the original entry for the close button background image path is:
This has been changed in your css to:

The edited path does not exist, hence no visible background on the control.

Please replace the modified floatbox.css with the original un-modified one from the floatbox download package and things will behave well. (Make sure you use the same version as the rest of the Floatbox files in use - 5.7.0 in your case. Or install the entire latest version 5.7.2.)
Registered: Nov 2011
Posts: 9
totally cool. works great. thanks.

i bet when i moved files in dreamweaver, it may have gotten modified. ??

nevertheless, thanks.

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