Change display order within a group.

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Author Post
Registered: Apr 2013
Posts: 6
This is a request to revisit this request for 'changing the display order'. In reference to having not seen a use case, I am hoping that using Floatbox in tandem with scripts such as Isotope will show a good reason for being able to 'adapt' the Gallery:Group order in Floatbox.

Jquery scriptslike Isotope allow for elements on a page to be reordered dynamically. This of course causes order confusion when using Floatbox to view the order relative to the newly ordered page listing of the elements.

The question then is, what is the simplest way for Floatbox to gain the new order?

Example from a site I am building with Floatbox and Isotope:
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Hi Richard. Welcome back. It's good to hear from you again.

It's really simple to get Floatbox to pick up the new order. Whenever adds/changes/deletes are made dynamically to floatboxed elements on a page, you should run fb.activate() to re-inventory the page and pick up those changes.

In the case of the page you linked to, there is a function on that page that processes the re-ordering request. This function begins with ${...
At the end of the function, just before return false; add the single fb.activate(); line.

That's it. You're all done. Cheers...

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