Move Print Link

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Author Post
Registered: Feb 2013
Posts: 11
Is there a way to move the print link next to the close button in the upper-right of the dialog?

I have controlsPos and printLinkPos set to 'tr' but it does not look good (print link is below the close button and there is a large gap between them.

Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
The available *Pos settings must be considered as requests or suggestions to Floatbox. You won't always get what you ask for and not all combinations of positions can be accommodated. In particular, only indexLinks and a newWindowLink can go in the same corner as the controls. Everything else will be shunted off to the adjacent corner panel, which may or may not be centered in the space available to it.

Consider setting showClose:false and showOuterClose:true (or, assign the 'alt' class to your floatboxed links).

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