upgrade from 5.3.3 to 5.6.1 - IE window height issue

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Registered: May 2012
Posts: 13

I've upgraded the version of floatbox on our staging server from 5.3.3 to 5.6.1 and noticed that content that is displayed within the floatbox isn't being measured correctly for height within IE7/8/9 thus when the floatbox appears it's width is displayed properly but it's height is set to the height of the view-port and not the html content within the floatbox window itself. This issue does not occur on FF 17 or Chrome 23.

Here's the floatbox options that I am using:

width:640 scrolling:no showClose:false showOuterClose:true shadowType:'halo' disableScroll:true showNewWindow:false centerOnResize:false resizeDuration:4 overlayFadeDuration:2.5 overlayOpacity:62 outsideClickCloses:false outerBorder:10 panelPadding:10 padding:10 measureHTML:yes

Any suggestions as to why the height measuring functionality is no longer working on IE browsers (outside the fact that IE sucks)?

many thanks,

Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
I believe you'll find that the measuring problem occurs only in IE7 and only with iframe content. My bet is that you have either the page or the browser set to IE7 compatibility mode when testing IE 8 & 9. Please let me know if this is incorrect.

I'm aware of and have fixed the IE7 iframe measuring problem in the code for the next release. Floatbox version 5.7.0 should be out within a week, barring any testing disasters.

And yes, the reason for the problem is that IE7 sucks. There's a really bizarre bug in its javascript interpreter that, under the right calling circumstances, can cause offsetWidth and offsetHeight of elements to report as 0 the first time they are measured and subsequently report the correct measurements if asked again. Spooky quantum computing I think.
Registered: May 2012
Posts: 13

Yes, you are correct, we are setting the following value in the response header which makes IE8/9 render using the IE7 engine:

X-UA-Compatible IE=7,requiresActiveX=true

That's great news regarding the fix you have in place for version 5.7.0 and I'm definitely looking forward to using it.

Thanks again for a great product and excellent tech support.

best regards,


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