Tooltip Help Needed

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Author Post
Registered: Oct 2012
Posts: 2
I'm using the tooltips examples and I can get a tooltip on the "floated" image, but I want the tooltip to appear on the initial image in the a href, not the resulting floatbox popup image.

I've tried some javascript solutions, but they rely on using the rel attribute to relate the tooltip to the image and then the class="floatbox" doesn't work (a conflict between the rel and class attributes, I guess).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
It sounds like you want to assign the tooltip directly to the <img> element that it should be active for, instead of to its parent <a> element.

The presence of a 'rel' attribute should not interfere with the reading of the 'floatbox' class name. If you'd like me to look at what's going on there, link me in to a page that exhibits this problem.

Registered: Oct 2012
Posts: 2
Thanks so much! You were right on the money. I put the floatbox tooltip code in the img div instead of the href div and it works perfectly!!! :D

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