possible bug in second video window

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Author Post
Registered: Dec 2011
Posts: 6
I have a page that has numerous thumbnails. Clicking on the thumbnail opens a Floatbox gallery. At the bottom left of some of them (A-3, Boeing 727, DC-10 and F-18) is a row of links for videos. Here is the bug:

When you click on a video link, the background photo in the previously opened (and still open) parent Floatbox goes blank. When you close the video window or when it ends the parent Floatbox is 'all messed up'. If you close and reopen the airplane then everything works great for that and any other video. It only does it on the first video playing on the page. Once you've played one that and any other video works fine. The only way to get it to do it again is to reload the page. It does this in both FF 15 and IE9.

Here's the page: http://gregbass.com/2

Any idea as to what I can do to fix this will be appreciated.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
This is a very sticky problem. I just want to let you know I'm working on it. It's YouTube's iframe code that's asserting itself into the parent floatbox, but I haven't yet figured out why it's doing so nor why only on the first viewing. I'll keep digging. Thanks for the report.
Registered: Dec 2011
Posts: 6
Thanks! I'm sorry this is a weird one. You've done great work. Floatbox is the best!
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
You can short-circuit the problem by setting type:flash in the options of those youtube links in the captions. Devices without flash installed, including those incapable of running flash, will not see the video but will get a link to view the video on the YouTube site.

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