Floatbox cycler issue

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Registered: Aug 2012
Posts: 4
I'm trying to use the cycler on the last block on http://www.visiontron.com/prod-airline-luggage-sizer-new-test.asp

It looks fine in IE9, but the location is messed up in Firefox 15.0. It moves slightly when I mouse over in IE and is really screwy in FF.

If I put the block above the <div class="col-a"> block, it doesn't move around during the mouse over, but the hidden text is hidden no more (see http://www.visiontron.com/prod-airline-luggage-sizer-new-test2.asp

Is there any hope in getting this to work or should I just create a GIF to rotate through some of the designs and which will just lead to the first image.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
I'm not seeing any of the behaviour you're describing.

The cyclers look and behave the same and correctly in both IE9 and FF15 for me. There is no movement or displacement of the images or text on mouseover in either browser.

Also, the test.asp page and test2.asp page look and behave identically to each other in my browsers.

Not directly related, but I see you're struggling to get the cycler positioned in a columnar page layout. Such layouts can be tricky as I'm sure you know. The big caption inside the span might be what's pushing the adjacent column down. First, there's no reason to have encoded html entities or back-quotes in there. The span should contain just the plain standard html you want the browser to show. It might be a good idea to place some <br /> characters in that span so that it is not wider than the column you are trying to show it in. It may be the excess width that is forcing it to take over the adjacent layout column.

But sorry, I can't find or replicate any fbCycler misbehaviour on either page. As far as I can see, it's working fine.
Registered: Aug 2012
Posts: 4
Thanks for clearing up the other issue.

I'm sorry, I didn't have the latest version saved on the first test page. Both had the image outside of the "col-a" class.

I just uploaded it removing the text as well.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
On the test.asp page, the cycler settles down when I put a style of "float:left;" directly on the fbCycler div and place a style of "position:absolute;" in the style attributes of each <a> element inside the cycler div.

Floatbox.css sets absolute position on those anchor elements, but you must have a :hover css style set somewhere that overrides that on mouse-over.

Ah yes, I found this in style.css:
#content .col-a a:hover {
position: relative;
« Last edit by admin on Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:54 pm. »
Registered: Aug 2012
Posts: 4

Ok, now this is some odd behavior. Click on the the last image on the bottom (Custom Designed Baggage Sizer) and look what happens to the description on image 4

Refresh page, click on image, click on #4
Description= Custom 24" W x 16" H x 10" D Open Ended....
Click elsewhere to close the floatbox.

Click on the image and click on #4 again
Description = Custom 24&quot; W x 16&quot; H x 10&quot; Open Ended....
Click elsewhere to close floatbox

Click on the image, click #4
Description = Custom 24&amp;&quot; W x 16&amp;&quot; H x 10&amp;&quot; Open Ended....

Description = Custom 24&amp;amp;&quot; W x 16&amp;amp;&quot; H x 10&amp;amp;&quot; Open Ended....

Description = Custom 24&amp;amp;amp;&quot; W x 16&amp;amp;amp;&quot; H x 10&amp;amp;amp;&quot; Open Ended....

If you refresh the page, it goes back to normal the first time.
This doesn't change anything on image 3 - which is part of the autocycler. This affects everything in the hidden DIV at the bottom of the page (image 4-12).

This happens in Firefox 15.0.1 and IE9 with and without compatibility mode on (9.0.8112.16421).

After thought: you don't need to close floatbox. Open the gallery, click image 4, 5, 4, 5, 4 , etc. and it does it right before your eyes. It never does it on image 3. It doesn't do this on the other images until you actually click on them.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Looks to be a bug in the encoding and decoding of the html entities in the caption field. But that's a pretty old version of Floatbox you are running - v4.18 from a little over two years ago. I tested the same caption in the current version of Floatbox and it did not exhibit this problem.

It looks like the best fix is to upgrade your Floatbox software to the latest release. If you really don't want to do that, you might have some luck by not putting encoded html entities in the caption/title string and just use quote characters directly instead of encoded quote characters (&quot;). To do this, you would need to change the surrounding attribute value quotes to single quotes. Like this:

title='Custom 24" W x 16" H x 10" D Open Ended Luggage Sizer with ruler and wheels. Digitally printed poster insert for United Airlines.'
Registered: Aug 2012
Posts: 4
I guess I'll have to update. Putting " in there still didn't fix the problem (I added TEST TEST TEST to make sure the latest version uploaded correctly.)

This is the ONLY issue on my site and it's the only instance that uses the cycler. I'll have to upgrade after-hours.

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