Another question of the size of the box

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Author Post
Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 10
minBoxWidth - pixels | 'xx%' | 'max'
minBoxHeight - pixels | 'xx%' | 'max'

Is possible too maxBoxWidth and maxBoxHeight ?
Or is it nonsense ?

Sample: in big LCD monitor is normal maxBox (for example 800x800px)
the same picture in notebook LCD the box is automatic resizing (for example 520x520px)
On screen we still see square box (and in this box auto reduced image) ...
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
I'm not really following you on this. You can use the width and height options to make the size proportional to the browser window size (e.g., width:85%). Set maxContentWidth if you don't want that proportional sizing to exceed some limit (e.g, maxContentWidth:1024) for that guy running things on his new 52" monitor. And use minContentWidth if you don't want the box to scale down too small for the guy on his 3" phone (e.g, minContentWidth:400).

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