ff3 & movie issues

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First let me start by saying that I love floatbox and think that it is the best script I've come across in a long time.

I am currently redoing a personal webpage of pictures and things for my family. I seem to have run into an issue and want to see if a) others are having the same and b) if it is only my coding.

The issue I am having has to do with movie files (.mov or .swf) and FF3 (specifically v3.0.10). When I try to load a movie inside of floatbox, I can hear the audio but only see a white background. If I make the dimensions larger, I can see the very top of the video but the rest is still covered. This does not happen with IE. I have tried this off of 2 different computers (both in my house) and gotten the same result. Here is an address so that you can check it out and see if it is just me: http://www.elmoretti.com/Gabriel/2nd%20B-day/2nd_birthday.shtml

Currently this is the only page that has the movies in floatbox form on my site as I ran into that snag and will use the finished page as a template.

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
I sliced this a bit on my own system. Turns out the flash plugin in FF3 is not liking the #contents { position:fixed; in your head section style. Can you find a way to live without fixed positioning for that div? Removing it didn't seem to break anything that I noticed, but I only had a bit of your page up and didn't look too hard.
That's got it. I changed the position from fixed to absolute and everything worked perfect. Many thanks for your help!!!

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