IE7 Issue

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Gday Fb Admin,

I'm sorry to first post this and feel pretty bad about it, but i am having trouble getting floatbox to function correctly in IE7.

Specifically 7.0.6001.18000

Chrome and FF3 work fine, with IE the screen goes dark but no window pops up.

I have tested the browser on the demo pages without any issues. I have made a test page with as little .NET crap on it as possible and still have this issue replicating.

I have checked the forums for other IE7 posts and confirmed that i am using an absolute include path.

The doc type definition is there so i dont believe i am in quirks mode.

Cheers for your time.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
The problem is the scrolling:vertical in the rev options. That's not a valid value for scrolling. You can use yes, no, or auto. I think it's bizarre that IE should throw an exception for an unrecognized value, but that's what it does. IE8 too. I also think some browsers support scrolling:vertical, but it's not part of the spec and not supported by all, so you can't use it. (Browser specific attributes and functions are so completely useless I don't know why any browser maker puts them in. They just create problems.) Take out the scrolling thing altogether. You will get the default scrolling:auto which works pretty well. If you don't want a horizontal scrollbar, just make sure you allocate enough width to hold the content.
Mate, thank you very much. I should of tested without any options in the first place.

Amazing response time, have an awesome day!

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