Little mess with floatbox src in Iframe

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First of all, thanks for your great software:it rocks!

I'm trying to use it on my page, but I'm facing a problem due to the particular folder structure: a photo index page, not in the root, containing an Iframe stored in a folder down the path.
Let's say:
http://mysite/thecity/images/gallery.html containing an Iframe called index.html in

I put the floatbox folder in http://mysite/thecity/images/floatbox and I put a link to css and JS in both parent and Iframe pages, pointing to the fb folder.
Sadly, the best I can get is:
IE7: image out of Iframe and fullscreened, but black fb frame box not aligned with image.
FF3:File not found (a simple <A href="images/DSC03746.jpg" doesn't work, while
<A href="http://mysite/thecity/images/events/Gallery/2009/20090405/images/DSC03746.jpg" shows the photo but misplaced like in IE7)
I'm almost puzzled on the way to configure and link the fb folders: please, can U give me any hint to keep on using my folder structure?
Thanks in advance

If I put gallery.html and index.html in same folder everything works fine! :|

Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Without seeing the site I can only guess in the dark. But it's pretty much guaranteed your include lines are incorrect and don't really reference the floatbox files locations correctly, or you don't have all the floatbox files in place with read permissions on them.

Are you developing off a file system or a web server? If a web server, and your floatbox files are where you way they are, your include lines in both files should be:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/thecity/images/floatbox/floatbox.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/thecity/images/floatbox/floatbox.css" />

If you are using a file system, you'll have to use relative paths and get the correct number of ../../ thingies in there. The path will be different for files at different levels of the folder tree.

But if I could see it online I'd nail the cause for sure in less time than it takes to describe these possibilities.
Thanks 4 your answer.
It turned out there was another JS i the head disturbing fb. I moved the link, and everythig is fine.
I just have one last problem:
In FF I get "file not found" unless I put an absolute path to the photo href. :shock: (no problem with the thumbnails)
Is it fb related? The page is at
and the inner Iframe works perfectly in IE & FF.
Any hint?
The worst thing is that the galleriaFlo.html page is contained in another ilayer not directly managed by me, in which I put a <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=> tag to redirect immediately to the gallery, so once again I'm framed!!!

No any way out?
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
I'm not sure I understand your problem. I don't get any file-not-founds from your site in FF. Can you give me more detailed instructions on how to generate the error?
No, you will not get any error, since in the ilayered index.htm I generated the link to the images as
/madrid/images/Eventi/2009/20090418/Galleria/images/SNC00059.jpg and not simply as images/SNC00059.jpg. In IE7 it works, not in FF.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
If your page is in the // folder as you say, and you use a relative path of images/SNC00059.jpg, the effective path is /madrid/images/SNC00059.jpg.

Which is a significantly different path than /madrid/images/Eventi/2009/20090418/Galleria/images/SNC00059.jpg. So it's easy to explain FF not finding the file with that relative path. Harder to explain is your reported success with IE. Perhaps IE is fetching from cache?

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