error missing floatbox # in rel atribut

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hello this error is showing in a little window but the floatbox is going what is that

sorry for bad english
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Hi hups,

You will need to say more about what your error is. Or, best if you can show me with an online link.

Perhaps you mean that when showing a small item you do not get the "image x of y" string to show? If this is it, then that is by design. If the box width is not enough to leave 80px for the caption and item number, then those items will not be shown.
thanks for answer here is the link when you click on a picture the floatbos is lowding and the error window comes
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Sorry, I can't be of help for this one. That alert (error message) is coming from some other javascript that is included on your page. The error message includes the word "floatbox" only because it is reporting the rel attribute and that is what the rel attribute says. I would recommend removing the other javascript from your page one piece at a time until you find the source of that message, and then trouble-shoot from there.

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