Setting options settings in html document

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Here's a floatbox call:

<a href="html-document" title="Dynamic, rotating header images" class="floatbox" rev="width:865 height:800 enableDragResize=yes outsideClickCloses:yes scrolling:yes infoPos:tl controlPos:tr caption:`&lt;div class='float-title'&gt;Dynamic, Rotaing Header Images&lt;/div&gt;`">

I have two questions:

1) I had to add enableDragResize=yes outsideClickCloses:yes because, even though these were set to 'true' in floatbox.js, they didn't work. Perhaps someone can explain why.

2) While I am using the top panel for text and the close button, can I simultaneously place text in the bottom panel?
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
1) I'd have to see the page online to answer. Perhaps your are setting those options also in fbPageOptions on your page. Perhaps you are setting them in one of either floatbox.js or framebox.js and using the other js file. Perhaps you are serving gzipped compressed files that do not have your option changes in them.

2) Not in the current version, but it is on my plans to have more options for where and how to place content around the panels. If I can implement this without making it too complex and breaking usability it may come out in the next version or two.
Thank you. My mistake.

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