pages created using dynamic URL parameters

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I just want to say that this is outstanding script! Thanks so much and please keep up the good work. I am working on a proof of concept and really like the functionality that you provide. The problem here is that I can't seem to get it to work from a dynamic ASP or ASP.NET page.

To clarify a bit, I can get it to invoke from static pages but my use case requires me to display a dynamic table with one of the fields as a hyperlink that I would like to invoke the Floatbox from. I want to limit the amount of data displayed in the dynamic table and use Floatbox to show the extended details for each record. Makes sense, right?

The problem is that I am using URL Parameters to populate the details page on my site which means that the URL will look like, details.asp?ID=1234 rather than just details.asp which doesn't appear to work properly with this script.

Any ideas on how to make this work?

Many thanks in advance,
I seem to have answered my own question by simply reading #1 the documentation and #2 other posts on this site. helped me the most.

On another note, I am loading my ASP pages using jQuery Ajax tabs and I was not specifying the FB Ajax parameter. I think this will fix it because apparently FB does not care that there are additions to my details.asp page (details.asp?ID=1234).
Thanks again and I also developing this on an intranet which means that I cannot have this script call back to I noticed that IE was crashing when I had several thousand rows returning to the page from my DB and FB was referenced on each row. Has anyone else noticed this happening?

OK so I am still having issues with this...

I am using jQuery tabs to display other .asp pages in my site and they are loaded using jQuery's built in ajax functionality. One of the tabs is displaying several thousand rows of data and I want to use FloatBox to display the extended/detailed information for each record. HTML on my default.asp page is as follows.

<div id="tabs">
<ul class="tabs">
<li class="selected"><a href="map/mapView.html"><span>Map</span></a></li>
<li class="selected"><a href="viewall.asp"><span>View Data</span></a></li>

The code in the page called viewAll.asp resembles the following.

<td><a href="details.asp?ID=<%=(rs.Fields.Item("ID").Value)%>" onclick="fb.start();" class="floatbox" title="Page Details" rev="fb.tagAnchors(document)" rev="type:ajax width:680 height:600 scrolling:no"><%=(rs.Fields.Item("ID").Value)%></a></td>

When displayed in the page "default.asp" the hyperlink still shoots me to the page called details.asp instead of invoking the page in the FloatBox.

The page called viewAll.asp when displayed by itself works completely fine! What do you think I am doing wrong here?

Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
There's a number of things wrong with that anchor you're building. Rather than dissect each problem, may I suggest you just replace it with:
<a href="details.asp?ID=<%=(rs.Fields.Item("ID").Value)%>" onclick="fb.start(this); return false;" title="Page Details" rev="type:ajax width:680 height:600 scrolling:no"><%=(rs.Fields.Item("ID").Value)%></a>
works like a charm! thanks...


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