Show fbPopup on mouse over but open 'normal' html-PopUp when following link

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I want to show an image with fbPopup on mouse over. This works.

If the user clicks the link, NO lightbox should be opened but the normal link (in this case a pop up) should be opened.

-> How can I get floatbox NOT to open a floatbox 'on click' but behaving like no floatbox is present while showing the image popup with fbPopup on mouse over?

This should be applied to this page:

Many thanks for your help!
Best, kompilerson
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
The classname "fbPopup" controls the mouse-over popup, while the classname "floatbox" controls the opening within a floatbox. If you have class="fbPopup floatbox" you get both. If you have just class="fbPopup", you get only the mouseover behaviour.
Thanks a lot for your help. Works perfectly.

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