autoFitImages:false & grouping images (launching from Flash)

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First go to my site,

Next, click on "Media" from the nav. This page has 5 links, each launching a separate image in floatbox.

I am launching floatbox from within a .swf file. Everything is working except I cannot get the images to NOT resize when launched.

Here is the code I am using on the first button in the flash file:

on(release) {

Here is the javascript I am using in the html of the page:

<script type="text/javascript">
btn1Click = function() {
fb.loadAnchor('images/media/Boca-Raton-Museum-Of-Art.jpg', 'autoFitImages:false');

Notice I set autoFitImages to false. As you can see, if you click on the first link (Boca Museum of Art Magazine), the image is still resizing.

I have another question as well. One of the articles is 2 pages long. What I wanted was to have it so that when you click on a link, the first page loads in floatbox. Then clicking "next" would bring you to the 2nd page. I was thinking I would need to make a group for both images in floatbox, but the 2nd image can't have it's own link. It just needs to be accesible after you load the first image in floatbox. Let me know if this makes sense, if not I'll try to be more clear. Is this possible, if so, how would I do this in Flash?

Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Why can't I find the btn1Click function on your page? But it doesn't matter.

You're using version 3.24 of floatbox, but getting info from the 3.51 docs. For v3.24, use 'autoSizeImages:false'. Sorry, I know it's a pain in the butt when I change option names, but there was a bunch of new sizing stuff added in 3.5x and I thought using "fit" for this one helps with clarity.

As for your second question, please see post #2 in this thread. Leave out the slideshow stuff, and you've got a navigable gallery from a single link.

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