JW Player shows white, no video

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Author Post
Registered: Sep 2013
Posts: 4
Hello. I'm a new Floatbox user. I've been experimenting for a while and I'm VERY impressed with the functionality. Great work. One question, however:

I'm having no problem at all when Floatbox references a remote URL that contains a video player (in this case JW Player). However, I'd like to use the hidden div option instead and keep everything on one page.

This little test link should demonstrate the issue. Note: the audio plays fine from the hidden div file, but I'm seeing no video... just white in all my browsers.


Thanks in advance for your help on this.

Margo Blade
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
I'm not surprised at this behaviour and I think that Flash content is not a good candidate to load from a hidden div.

JWPlayer, being a Flash player, will instantiate the Flash object within the div that presumably has display:none set on it. The Flash plugin cannot establish a successful play state in this context and the Flash plugin cannot switch play states after instantiation when the object is moved into a displayed floatbox.

Bringing any sort of video into a floatbox is best done from an external file, either as an iframe or as ajax, so that the video will be instantiated in a playable context.

I'd be remiss if I didn't suggest that you consider abandoning Flash-only players for video. Flash is dying and an increasing number of clients can't or won't play it. Check out the built-in HTML5 video player in Floatbox version 6. This has broad client coverage and is a much more future-proof approach.
Registered: Sep 2013
Posts: 4
Your advice is appreciated. I'll shift to an HTML5 player.

Thanks for great customer service.


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