Escape works perfectly - but "close" closes everything

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Author Post
Registered: Aug 2013
Posts: 3
I have a web app which already has modals - when I launch a floatbox - then click close - it closes all my modals.

Hitting the escape key works perfectly and just closes the floatbox.

Is there a way I can make the floatbox close button - only close the floatbox and not all my other modals.

I initially launch the floatbox from a modal - so don't want to close evertyhing.


Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Hi Dan,

I would have to see the page in action to determine what's going on with it.
Can you link me in to something I can look at?
Registered: Aug 2013
Posts: 3

I really appreciate your help - I've been working on this all day.

logon information removed

When you login you'll see an abacus on your homescreen - just click on it to open it.

Then click on the red bead.

Then click "review criteria" (the first icon)

Then you'll see some text. The linked text is "National Occupational Standard." - Which I have manually added the launch code to, e.g: <a href="" title="This is both a tooltip and a caption" style="color:white;" onclick="fb.start(this); return false;">National Occupational Standard.</a>

Once launched, you'll see I open a pdf viewer - press escape - perfect, press close - not perfect. BTW. I tried another standard webpage instead of the pdf viewer and the problem was the same.

Many thanks


PS. I will go and purchase a license now. Even if it doesn't work, the fast reposnse justifies that.
« Last edit by admin on Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:06 pm. »
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
The floatbox launches from the "review criteria" box, which, for the benefit of eavesdroppers on this topic, is not a floatbox.

This "review criteria" box responds to clicks outside of its borders by closing. Go ahead and try it out without opening the "National..." floatbox. Click outside its borders and it will close.

When we open the floatbox and then click on the the floatbox's close button, the "review criteria" box detects the click outside its borders, and closes. Floatbox is not closing it. Its own event handlers are doing that.

Two solutions are to configure the "review" box so that it does not close from outside clicks (if you can), or consider Floatbox for all the modal dialog boxes. Multiple floatboxes will be more cooperative with each other in deciding who is going to respond to input events.
Registered: Aug 2013
Posts: 3
Many thanks for your explanation - I really appreciate this.

I may try and limit all modal closes to clicking the x.

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