mobile device not respecting height option

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Author Post
Registered: Jan 2011
Posts: 8
Hiya, I tried to search the forum without an answer, but the following script is not respecting the height percentage and I dont know why.

<li><a href="#faq" title="FAQ" class="alt floatbox" data-fb-options="width:92% height:92% splitResize:auto disableScroll:true showNewWindow:true showPrint:false mobileNewWindow:true enableDragResize:true caption:`Frequently Asked Questions`" >FAQ</a></li>
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Mobile devices don't have scrollbars. Floatbox will show html content at its full height on mobile devices so that the user can scroll the page using standard gestures to see all of the content. If Floatbox were to shrink down to a percentage of the screen size and present the content in a box that is smaller than the content, that excess content would be effectively hidden from view and access.

Or, in other words, this is by design. The height request will be ignored for touch devices and the content will be presented at its full height.
Registered: Jan 2011
Posts: 8
Ok, thank you very much for explaining this to me :)

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