Video Stuttering

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Author Post
Registered: May 2012
Posts: 12

I have noticed that when I view my Vimeo videos that are embedded on my website using FloatBox, I notice quite a bit more stuttering as opposed to viewing the video without FloatBox. Compare these 2 examples and watch the pan of the building starting at :23 seconds and the pan of the room starting at :45 seconds.

With Floatbox:

On Vimeo:

Any Ideas would be appreciated.

Thank you,
Robert Pfeifer
Pifemaster Productions
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
I tried the videos a few times from both locations in Chrome and IE10. There really wasn't any difference in playback quality. An occasional random frame-freeze would occur in both environments, but at no particular time. Sometimes the video played as smooth as butter from both locations. The frame-freezes that did occur were at no particular point in the video but would occur seemingly randomly. I could invoke a frame-freeze at any time in either environment by moving my mouse over the video and getting the control bar to appear.

The quality of the video experience will be determined by the video delivery service (Vimeo), the network between the viewer and the source, and the playback device (Flash running in the viewer's browser, O/S and hardware environment). Floatbox can't and doesn't participate in that chain. It just instantiates Vimeo's iframe embed which then invokes the Flash player with a configuration determined by the Vimeo embed service.
Registered: May 2012
Posts: 12
Thank you for the quick response. I also noticed that I could cause the video to stutter by mousing over the video and I understand and can live with that.

After exploring a little further the issue seems to be more related to when the video is NOT playing in full screen. When I maximize (full screen) the video, it seems to play with less stutter than when it is displayed in the Floatbox window or on Vimeo in a minimized size. I assume that there is nothing I can do to change that.

Thank you,
Robert Pfeifer
Pifemaster Productions

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