pipIndexThumbs placement

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Author Post
Registered: Feb 2011
Posts: 61
pipIndexThumbs seem to be always placed in the bottom-right corner of the picture, independant from the indexPos setting.

E.g. when the Index is displayed top-left, the thumbs should be placed in the top-left corner of the picture (as it was intended since v4.00: "Index links can now show the associated thumbnails as a a pip (picture-in-picture) display in the closest corner of the floatboxed image.".
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
I caught this one the day after 5.7.0 was released. The proper behaviour is already restored in the 5.7.1 code.

Note that in addition to the corners described in the quote, the 'pip' thumbs will display at the top-center or bottom-center of the image if indexPos is 'tc' or 'bc'.

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