Styling the "Info..." link in picture galleries

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Author Post
Registered: Dec 2012
Posts: 3
Location: Port Angeles, WA (USA)
With version 5.6.0, I seem to be unable to customize the Info... link, when added to a gallery picture, to the extent that was previously possible in version 5.5.0.

Specifically, while using the white color scheme with 5.5.0 I could add the following code (see below) to "floatbox.css" and change the "info..." link color away from it's constant default color of #000 [black] for all of its various states. Also, somehow I was even rid of its default "text-decoration:underline" upon mouse hover -- though I seem to have forgotten just where I turned that off.

With these couple of minor tweaks in 5.5.0 I had the "Info..." link match the style of other links on my web site. Is this still possible?

.fbx#fbx .fbInfoLink a:link{color:#800000}
.fbx#fbx .fbInfoLink a:visited{color:#800000}
.fbx#fbx .fbInfoLink a:hover{color:#FF0000}
.fbx#fbx .fbInfoLink a:active{color:#800000}
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
I don't really support customizing the floatbox appearance through css modifications exactly for the reason that I can't carry any particular customizations folks might make forward into subsequent releases - as this case illustrates.

In fact, it's no longer possible to modify the built-in colorThemes via css as these are now assigned by code, not by css styles. Floatbox provides a number of settable options to customize the color of various components. These are outlined in the 'Colors' section of the Options Reference.

In version 5.6 and beyond, if you want to fine tune the appearance through custom css colors or background images, you need to use the 'custom' colorTheme setting, include the custom.css file, and modify custom.css to your purpose. There is no guarantee that the format and references of the custom.css file will remain the same and be portable to new releases.

The color of the 'Info...' link can be controlled by assigning the desired color to the strongTextColor option. This option also controls the color of plain caption text, the 'Print...' link, and the 'open-in-a-new-window' widget when hovered.

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