Floatbox email form customization...

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Author Post
Registered: Nov 2012
Posts: 1

First of all let me say thank you for floatbox. Love it. Anyway, I'm pretty new to this so let me try and explain what I'm trying to do.

I have managed to launch an email form in a floatbox upon clicking a "Request quote" link. The form has the usual values - name, email, tel, comments, etc, and a submit button. It submits properly but then what I want to achieve starts from here. I want to display a thank you message after the form submits within the floatbox but less the form elements.

How do I achieve this. I already have a thank-you.html page that I would like to be displayed when the form is submitted.

Here's the code I use to call the form:

<a rev="width:440 height:600" href="/quote_form.php" class="floatbox">Request a Quote</a>

The quote form is as shown:

175 lines of pasted server-side code removed

Any help would be much appreciated.
« Last edit by admin on Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:28 am. »
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
There's no trick to this. When a form is submitted (to its "action" URL), the server sends a response, very similar to what happens when a standard GET request is issued. The response will be displayed in the browser window that issued the submit or GET. In the case of an iframe being shown in a floatbox, that browser window is the iframe, and the response will be shown in the originating floatbox, replacing the form that was first displayed there. You don't need to do anything to make that happen.

If you want an email form to return a thank-you page, it's up to you to have your server-side form processor return the html for that page. I would suggest you build, test, and tweak the emailer form directly from a plain browser window with Floatbox nowhere in site. When the form is responding as you wish from that direct interaction, it will continue to respond as you wish when it is displayed inside a floatbox.

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