Mobile display

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Author Post
Registered: Oct 2010
Posts: 10
Hi there, I hope you can help.

I've just started testing a responsive wordpress theme on a website I'm building (so it's still very much a work in progress), and whereas with the old (non-responsive) template the floatbox opened up to fit a mobile browser window, with the responsive theme the large image opens up full size (much larger than the mobile screen).

An option appears in the top left corner of the floatbox window to reduce the size to fit the browser, but this doesn't always seem to work (often changing to the next image instead) and when it does work it resizes the existing image, but then when you switch to the next image it opens full size again.

I've tested this on Android and iPhone and it behaves the same way, and I have mobileDoAnimations set as 'true'. The page in question is

Any help would be great - everything is fantastic on a large screen it's just the mobile stuff that's the challenge.

Thanks in advance
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
This one's pretty simple. You have autoFitImages:false in your options.js file, so the images are not being fit to the screen. Remove that, or set it to true and the images will be resized down to fit the screen.

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