Floatbox runs very bad on iOS devices when content has vertical scrolling in iframes

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Author Post
Registered: Oct 2012
Posts: 1

This is a bit strange, so I've put together a video to show the problem.
When you have long content in a floatbox and view it on iOS devices the scroll will run very bad when swiping your finger inside the frame.. But when swiping outside the frame it runs smooth.. :? how can that be, and could there be a possible solution to this?

Btw after upgrading to newest version, the design flickers when loading the iframe on iOS devices.

Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382

It would be vastly more useful if you could link me in to a page where I can see the behaviour live and investigate from there, rather than just passively watching a screen capture with no ability to look at the page code and structure.

I think the sluggish scrolling on iframe content in iOS is just the way it is and can't be remedied. It seems related to the size of the iframe content as well, with small content being just a little bit pokey, while large content has a more significant delay while iOS figures out what to do with the touch gesture. I tested this behaviour by removing all of Floatbox's click and touch handlers from the floatbox and document and got exactly the same scrolling delays. This is why I conclude that the delay is within iOS and there's nothing to be tweaked with the Floatbox code that will influence the behaviour.

As for the floatbox and its content flashing on and off a few times on your sample, this is where I really need to see your live page to sort it out. I have not been able to replicate that behaviour with any of my test content.

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