fb.end('self') broken in 5.4.1

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Author Post
Registered: Aug 2012
Posts: 26

sorry to bother you again...

fb.end('self') seems broken in 5.4.1. So f.e. if I start on a page www.example.com/folder/file.html, open a floatbox and end it with fb.end('self') I get www.example.com/folder/self which leads to a 404

Sorry, I can't put this on a productive page.

best regards
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Indeed. Thanks for the report.
The problem is a bug in the packer used to minify the code. It altered a regular expression by performing what it though was a variable substitution inside it. I've checked the other regular expressions in the code and this seems to be the only one impacted.

You can accomplish the same goal by calling fb.end(location.href).

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