fbContext (click to pick ...)

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Author Post
Registered: May 2009
Posts: 43
my English is not so good, so I translated with Google;-).
So, I have problems with the "fbContext" in the form field (click to pick ...).

In Internet Explorer, everything works as it should :P
In Google Chrome it works offline but not online :'(
In Firefox, Opera and Safari Blue it does not run :'(

For testing, please call the following page: www.koerperphantasie.de
When I click the form field (Termine buchen/Wochentag eingeben), then the floatbox will open with the links to add.
I click on the links, then only in Internet Explorer, the word is inserted, not in the other.
I have all the browser up to date
Where is the mistake?
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance.

Greeting Wolle

PS: Although registered (körperphantasie.de - 0D9r0Dwe....), often times opens the reminder window, (after about 15 clicks) :shock:
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
translate.google did a pretty good job with your posting. I hope it does the same with mine. :)

The problem originates with the iframe structure of that page. The list items shown inside the context box have onclick actions assigned that call a function named assignChoice. There is an assignChoice function defined on the iframed page that contains the form, but the click actions are unable to find the function there. The click actions are running in the context of the base or parent page. There is no assignChoice function defined on that page and so a javascript error is thrown when those list components are clicked.

Usually, in a hierarchy of framed pages, a floatbox opened from a child frame will attach itself to, and become part of, the top document. This is what allows the floatbox to display within the full browser window rather than be constrained to the inner dimensions of the frame element.

Here's some approaches that might be used to address this multiple-document problem on your pages:
- Move the definition of the the assignChoice function to the top document
- Create a reference to the function on the top document from the script code on the child document with something like top.assignChoice = self.assignChoice;
- Have the onclick actions call the function from the child frame with something like top.frames[0].assignChoice(this);

I can't promise that the location of the assignChoice definition is the only cross-document problem that exists with that iframed form. You may have to pay attention to how code running in one window is going to find and manipulate form elements in the other window.

The generic task at hand is to figure out how you wish to structure, coordinate and reference the content and code that spans different documents to ensure that those bits can find each other across the document boundaries. You'll need to keep track of what is defined where, and in what document context the various bits are executing.

The registration reminders are being shown because the registered domain does not match the one shown in the browser address bar when people are viewing your pages. The domain in use is not registered. I'll sort this out with you by email.

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