Gallery demo weirdness with Prev/Next overlays...

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Registered: Apr 2009
Posts: 52
Location: Everett, WA
Just saw this weird behavior on the Demo page. I'm not sure if it's intentional though but figured I'd point it out just in case.

This is in regard to the very first demonstration on the page, the Image Gallery.

When I first click on any picture in the Image Gallery's set of 5 photos, the image loads and moving my mouse over the right or left edge displays NEXT and PREV overlays respectively. But after clicking on the image to advance or retreat to another image in the set, the PREV/NEXT overlays no longer display.

Closing the Floatbox and re-launching it again doesn't bring them back either. You have to refresh the base demo page and then the behavior repeats with an initial display of the overlays and their subsequent disappearance.

I tested it in both Firefox (14.0.1) and Chrome (20.0.1132.57 m) with the same results.

As I say though, this might be intentional? Display the overlay the first time the user hovers over the edge of the image and then stop displaying it now that they know how it works?

I don't really use Floatbox for the image gallery features but I just saw it and thought I'd mention it, just in case.

Thanks again Byron for a great product and all the hard work you've put into it...

Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
The behaviour you describe so accurately is intentional and optional. It is controlled by the showNavOverlay option which defaults to 'no' and is set to 'once' on the demo page. Here's the relevant section from the Options Reference:
showNavOverlay - 'once' | 'yes' | 'no'
Controls display of the overlayed navigation prev and next graphics for image content. If set to 'once', these graphics will be displayed only for the first image shown, after which they are turned off. The idea behind this is that once people are told what the mouse does over the image, they don't need to keep seeing the prev/next graphics continuously. When the overlay nav graphics are turned off overlay nav still works, it is just not displayed. When both the overlay and button nav types are enabled, the button nav controls will highlight as the mouse moves over active image areas.

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