Lost flip page feature

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Registered: Nov 2010
Posts: 22
I purchased my version in November of 2010. Recently, I noticed that floatbox on my website had lost the flip page feature. I don't know if this is a Scribd issue or an upgrade issue.

Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.

Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Hi Paul,

I'm not sure what we are talking about here. I don't know what a flip page feature is and I'm not sure it has anything to do with Floatbox. Is it possible to link me in to a page that's giving you trouble and telling me what I need to invoke there and what to look for to see what it is you need help with?

Registered: Nov 2010
Posts: 22
Sure. What I mean is there are no scroll options. I've downloaded the newest version, but have not yet explored how to install it.

It's working in Dreamweaver in test mode, but when I simply substitute an "id=" number from scribd, I get an "Error - Access key invalid".

You can click any of the articles here http://www.provisionhouse.org/articles.html.

Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Floatbox is not being loaded on the page. The floatbox.js include line points to http://www.provisionhouse.org/floatbox/floatbox.js but this returns a '404 - not found'. Perhaps the floatbox package has not been uploaded to the site or maybe it has, but to a different folder than the one referenced in the included lines.
Registered: Nov 2010
Posts: 22
I uploaded Floatbox 5.3.4. Is that the problem? I did add the key to the new options.js file.

I'm looking at the paths, but I'm not sure why it won't work in test mode on my PC with substitute id #'s.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Now Floatbox is present and loading on the page. When I click on any of your "read more" links, the referenced scribd document loads up into a floatbox just fine. I'm not seeing any problem on that page. If there is a Floatbox issue that needs addressing, you'll have to pretend I'm a complete simpleton and walk me in detail to the precise location of the issue.
Registered: Nov 2010
Posts: 22
I just made a change back to the old configuration. Take another look. Scribd is loading, but not the Scroll feature is not there.
Registered: Nov 2010
Posts: 22
It's Google Chrome that I'm not getting the Scroll feature. Firefox works.

Not sure what's going on there.
Registered: Nov 2010
Posts: 22
Apparently, I cannot remember how to generate the "key=key" numbers.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
The scroll feature is part of the scribd content, not part of Floatbox, so it's really scribd support you need for that. However, I can tell you a little bit of what I have observed.

Scribd is delivering different content to different browsers. For me, scribd sends a flash object/embed to my Chrome browser and this embed includes their 'scroll' widget. With IE 9, scribd sends iframe content and the version of the document in this iframe does not have the 'scroll' widget.

Previously, scribd delivered only flash content. The new delivery of content in iframe form is probably a good idea and is no doubt intended to bring flash-less devices such as iPhones to the party. But it's not clear to me how scribd makes the decision as to what content to deliver. Both my Chrome and IE browsers have the Flash plugin (or control) available and yet one gets flash content and one gets iframe content.

Floatbox can show only the content that is presented to it. If you're not happy with the way scribd provides different content to different browsers, you'd need to take the issue up with them. (I don't mean this in a "go away" sense, I just mean its not something that the Floatbox code can influence and is not something that is resulting from a change or problem in Floatbox.)
Registered: Nov 2010
Posts: 22
OK, thanks.

Shouldn't I be able to duplicate the code and just substitute the Scribd "file number" and it should work? I have a few Scribd files, as you've seen. One them (all were pre-existing), is no longer working in Dreamweaver preview (I'm afraid to upload them for testing on the website just yet. Besides, the others are working in Dreamweaver and that's puzzling).

The only difference I can see is the "key=key" numbers differ. Did I create those? If so, do I need to go back (since it's been a couple years) and reread the instructions for incorporating the "key=key" numbers?

Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Sorry, I just really don't understand what you're asking. It sounds like scribd stuff, not Floatbox stuff.

To load a document from scribd.com in a Floatbox, set the floatbox link's href to the embed path for the document as provided by the scribd service. There's a sample on the 'Bonus2' tab of the demo page that includes a description of the 4 step procedure. Do that, and your scribd document will show in a floatbox. Anything to do with scribd keys is between you and the scribd service when you post your documents to their site.
Registered: Nov 2010
Posts: 22
I got it. I have to get the "key=key" number from the embed code, then it works. I'm not sure how my original got corrupted, but I'm back in business. The referral back to the demo page refreshed my memory.

Thx a bunch.
Registered: Nov 2010
Posts: 22
It still doesn't work with Google Chrome, that is, the Scroll function, Full Screen, etc. It just loads Scribd without these features. IE doesn't do it either. Firefox and Safari do.

This seems like a browser issue, not a Scribd issue, but again, I'm running the old floatbox 421.
Registered: Nov 2010
Posts: 22
Also doesn't work on Android device HTC Evo 4G.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
I can only restate what I have already said about this. The scribd service is now delivering Flash-based content to some browsers and HTML5/iframe content to other browsers. These two forms of content are not identical. One difference is that the Flash content has a 'scroll' widget while the iframe content does not. I do not know the algorithm that scribd uses to determine which content type it will send to which browser.

Floatbox neither creates nor modifies the content delivered from the scribd site. If you have a concern about the scribd document content, you will need to take it up with scribd support.
Registered: Nov 2010
Posts: 22
Okay, but of course you realize that this diminishes your product considerably, particularly in view of the numerous flash flip page products now available, many with free online conversion & display, albeit with some reduced features.

Thx for the info.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
To make any sense of your post I must assume that you believe that scribd.com is an adjunct to the Floatbox library, that Floatbox creates or modifies the scribd documents, or that you are talking to the scribd support people on this forum; none of which is true. Floatbox is not scribd.com and has nothing to do with whether they place a scroll widget in their documents or not.

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