floatbox auto resize

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Author Post
Registered: May 2012
Posts: 13

Here's my options I pass to the floatbox before spawning:

width:640 scrolling:no showClose:false showOuterClose:true shadowType:'halo' disableScroll:true showNewWindow:false centerOnResize:true resizeDuration:4 overlayFadeDuration:2.5 overlayOpacity:62 outsideClickCloses:false outerBorder:10 panelPadding:10 padding:10

After the floatbox is spawned I click a button which calls the following:

parent.fb.resize(540, 140);

and the floatbox re-sizes down properly.

If I then maximize the browser window the floatbox re-sizes its height to the height of maximized window. Is there a way to stop floatbox from resizing its height so it keeps the 140px height i assigned to it via the button click as well as keep the floatbox centered within the window at its 540x140 pixel size?


Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
You would need an explicit height setting in your options to force the floatbox to that height when centerOnResize does its thing. Without explicit sizing and positioning, centerOnResize will calc and set these using the same code that sizes and positions the floatbox when it is first opened.

If you can't assign a height to the floatbox options, I would suggest setting centerOnResize:false and taking heart from the fact that very few visitors fiddle with their browser window size when viewing a site.
Registered: May 2012
Posts: 13
agreed, most folks won't be fiddling with browser width while browsing, it's a moot point. thanks for taking the time to respond.

best regards,


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