Floatbox displaying with transparent background

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Author Post
Registered: Apr 2009
Posts: 81
My client sent me the attached screenshot. He says both his computer and his Surface tablet are displaying the Floatbox pop-up like this, with a transparent background. I can't duplicate this on any of my browsers.

I recently upgraded them from a rather old version of Floatbox to the newest, that is when he reported this.

Any idea what this is?

Thank you.

<admin>ginormous image removed</admin>
« Last edit by admin on Sat Feb 14, 2015 12:48 am. »
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Could you perhaps make that image a little larger? It almost fits on my screen the way it is. :-)

It's impossible to debug a screenshot, regardless of size.

There have been only two circumstances where I have seen the floatbox structure fall apart. One is when floatbox.css is not being loaded, either because its link reference is not there or because the link's href points to an erroneous file location. The other is when an attempt has been made to mix and match Floatbox versions by dropping a few files from a new release into the pre-existing folder of an old release, ending up with say floatbox.js version 17.4 and floatbox.css version 0.9 trying to work together.
Registered: Apr 2009
Posts: 81
Sorry about that, that's what he sent me!

The URL is here:

You just click the first small image of a stamp that you see on that page.

The CSS and JS files appear to be loading fine for me. As I said, I just downloaded a fresh Floatbox a few days ago.

Unless you can see anything, or think of anything else, perhaps this is even just a cache problem. Although he says it is happening on two separate devices.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
I'm going with the cache theory. That page is working perfectly for me with Chrome, Firefox and Android, and there doesn't seem to any cache management strategy done with the upgrade install. It's using the same file paths as the old version.
Registered: Apr 2009
Posts: 81
Good idea on the cache management strategy, I did that by changing the folder name.

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