image map, video, caption and info

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Author Post
hi, how that man said, i'm an absolute beginner... from Italy.
I thank you for your great job and support.
Now, I've created a video gallery, I added captions, everything goes, wonderful, but I'm ambicious, I'd like to add another link (close to the captions) to some Info, like in the example on demo page. How/where I can write the text of this second floatbox? Or better, how I can do this thing? I like FB (sound like Faceb...!) so much. Thank you & bye. Claudio, Rome. ps here is a sample of what i did <area shape="rect" coords="251,261,334,341" href="VIDEO_PER_SITO/" rel="floatbox.mappa" rev="width:480 height:360" title="IMAGE" alt="IMAGE"/>
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
It sounds like you want to use the "Info" capabilities of floatbox. Please read up on the "info", "infoOptions", and "infoText" sections of the options reference. Also, check out this section of the instructions. And lastly, don't overlook the "Info and Print links" section of the demo page. All the info you need should be in those docs.

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