floatbox only appears inside in the iframe.. :(

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hi there..

I would like to ask if it is possible to display the content of the iframe outside in it.. and the effect of the floatbox?... i want to see the floatbox effects on the entire page, even if it is inside the iframe...

tanx in advance.. :) ;) :)
Hi tiNE,

I'm sorry, while I probably can't answer your question I don't even understand it, and I suspect those who can give you the answers won't understand the question either. Can you please reword / clarify your question so we know what we're trying to answer? :D


tanx for the reply.. im still a student from phil, sory if u cant understand my first posted message.. hehe... :D

this is my problem.. i have this sample code for my index page..
<a href="coral_2003.jsp" TARGET="right"><img src="Coral2003/cover_thumbnail.jpg" />

<iframe src="coral_2003.jsp" name="right" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" width="850" height="350" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></iframe>

.. this one is for the content( that will be displayed in the iframe)
<a href="Coral2003/coral0301.jpg" rel="floatbox.pix" ><img src="Coral2003/coral0301.jpg" width="95" height="50" class="bordered" alt=""/></a>

.. the floatbox effects works properly... but it only appears in the area where the iframe was.. is it posible to display the image in the entire page/window.. not only in the area where i put the iframe?... if yes?.. would you help me?...

tanx a lot... :D
Ah I see. Have a look at http://floatboxjs.com/ifdemo.php and I think this shows that it can be done. Check out the source code of the page and you will hopefully be able to see what you need to do.

hi "kuya" greg...

can i call u kuya?.. its a respect for our older brother and known friends etc.. hehe.. :D

actually i already seen it, and try to do the same way.. same tags from the index page and for the content pages.. but nothings change... :( ... another question, y is it iframe.css is included in the code page there but not included in the package of floatbox_324 when i downloaded it... is it related/needed?.. i think it is one problem y i cannot do the way i wanted to be... :roll:

thank u very much... :D
Call me what you like, I've been called worse than that before! :D

iframes.css just applies some cosmetic style to the body and links, it's not needed for floatbox to work properly. It may help to post a link to your example. However I'm sure once some of the experts get on they'll be able to tell you exactly what you're doing wrong, I've never actually needed to use fb in an iframe so I have no experience with that.
oh i see.. tanx a lot kuya greg..

maybe ill just review, again and again my codes.. or i just suggest to my boss not to use iframe, if they want me to use fb ... hehe....

tanx again... :D
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
If your floatbox include line references "framebox.js" then the floatbox display will be constrained to that iframe. If your include line(s) reference "floatbox.js" then the floatbox display will cover the whole browser window.
sir admin..

i already try it.. but only the content of the iframe was displayed... :'(
but when i tried to edit the source page that was given to me by kuya greg.. it works properly, but when i did it on different and my own separate folder it has conflict and until now i cannot resolve it... please help me.. :| :D

tanx a lot.. :)
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
sir tiNE...

I can't help you because I have no understanding at all of what your problem is. But maybe if you re-checked the docs you would find something that helps?


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