when close fb it's returning to index page

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I've upgraded to v3.20 and things have been working fine. Thanks! I am using image map areas on two different pages and have had no problems until this morning. One page works fine, but on the other there seems to be a problem. The fb opens with no problem, but when I close it I am returned to the home page.

I've reviewed the code on the page that is working and the page that is not working, but nothing seems to be different.

Any thoughts?
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
If this misbehaviour occurs in IE but not in other browsers than you are a victim of a bug that was fixed in v3.21.

From the v3.21 change log:
Some installs of IE7 ignore "return false" in the onclick action of an anchor element. This would cause IE to try to load the page referenced in the href attribute of the close link. Depending on page configuration circumstances the result could be a base page refresh, unwanted navigation to a default page, a directory listing, access denied, page not found, or a session re-authentication prompt. This is fixed by setting the event returnValue to false for IE just prior to executing "return false".

Try the latest version and see if your problem is resolved there.
Thanks for the quick response. Interesting. It doesn't seem to fix the problem. It seems to be related somehow to copying the image map into a new page. Strangely when I copy it to a page that was working it does not work when save as a new name.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Well, we tried.

This is another one then where I'll have to be able to see it online and poke at it to make any kind of intelligent comment.
Thanks. I sent an email with the URLs.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
For the benefit of other readers, we got this one solved. The problem was on the particular page. It had one floatbox-enabled anchor nested inside another floatboxed anchor. When clicked, both anchors would try to start floatbox simultaneously and all hell would break loose.

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