Listing links to all images

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I'm trying to add a new ability to my floatbox - i would like to have listing of all links to all images instead of just number of actual image (Image 3 of 15), but i can't find out how to create a link, that wouldnt open new floatbox or just open the image without floatbox. Would you be so kind and show me what function or what value should i use?

Big thx and big up for your work!
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
I'm not sure I understand.
Do you want a link in the caption area that when clicked will navigate the main page to the image source and cause the browser to display nothing but that image?
No no, i want to have a list of all images (E.G. i have 7 images, co instead of "Image 3 of 7" there will be "1,2,3,4,5,6,7", linking to concrete images (first, second....) and those links should just change the image in floatbox, not close floatbox and show the image without it... The link should be like the one on the navigation arrows, but pointing to concrete images...

sry for my english, it's hard to explain it in even in czech (i'm czech :) )...

hope you will understand now
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Thanks. I understand now.

Yes, you can do this, but it is not at all pretty. You can't do anything with the "image x of y" display without modifying the code, but you can set the caption to anything you like. You can put html into the caption and that html can include <a>nchor elements.

You would need to string together the html that shows your series of "1 2 3..." links. Each of the anchors for each of those links will need a rev attribute of rev="sameBox:true" to prevent them from opening a new floatbox when clicked. Set each of your floatbox-enabled anchors on your main page to this html string.

Remember, when you are inserting html into the caption string, it must be encoded. That is, < > " must be changed to &lt; &gt; &quot; or else the caption parsing will break. You will end up with a lot of very long and difficult to read or debug caption strings in your html code.

Like I say: do-able, but not pretty.
Well it dont work as it should, when i add a rev="sameBox:true" to the anchor, it opens the image in the same floatbox, but after a few mili-seconds there appears a black loading screen over the image. The navigation through keyboard works, so when i push TAB to zoom the image, the black loading screen disappears and everything's ok...
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
That's odd behaviour. I won't be able to understand why it's happening without seeing the problem in action.

But there's no point pursuing it for two reasons.

1) I pointed you in the wrong direction. It is not the loadAnchor() function you need to use, but the newContent() function. This function takes the numeric index of the item you want to load as its only parameter. My sincere apologies for wasting your time with bad information. But it's probably not worth pursuing a solution using newContent() because of...

2) This is pretty easy to code into floatbox so I've added this capability. If you can wait a few days for the pending new version release to happen, you'll have a clean and simple way to turn on the row of links you're looking for.
Well it would be probably better just wait :) i'm not skilled enought in javascript :) And don't forget to include a solution for bigger galeries (about 50 images for example) - add one more variable, which says how much anchors to display...


you have a gallery with 50 images, you'll set the variable to 4, and the listing of anchors will look like this (for 25. image position):

1 ... 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ... 50

Links for the first and last image would be probably easy to code, and sometimes very usefull.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Oh man, more work for me! :shock:
In your opinion, is wrapping the string of links good enough? Check out this example test gallery and see what you think. The tall skinny images, like #2, are narrow enough to cause wrapping.
Well imagine there is about 200 images :) But it's up to you how much time do you want to invest your project :)

Anyway, big respect for your work ;)
Maybe something like this could be an option.
(Click the Pictures tab in the image)

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