Floatbox and jQuery

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I'm running into a strange issue. I have a floatbox being popped up. The document inside the floatbox is loading jquery. I'm trying to use jquery to change the innerHTML of some items (links in a menu). From links to bolded text, and vice versa based on which link is clicked.

It seems to work just fine.....for a second, then reverts back to original state (except for in IE where something different happens). When I'm changing the innerHTML, is this causing the iframe to refresh or something?

Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
That may be what you are looking at - an iframe page refresh. I've seen in at least some browsers that when the page layout changes the page refreshes. Changing the text to bold would be enough to widen the text a bit and therefore change the layout.

But I'm guessing. If I could see this in action online I'd use firebug to try to determine the event flow and the before and after iframe dom contents. Doing so might shed some light on the problem, but I don't have any tips for you on how to change the jquery or browser behaviour.
ok, thanks anyhow. I'll figure something out.

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