is my day of questions!

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Registered: Jan 2009
Posts: 29

Today is my day of questions!

What I am doing is to open an image in a floatbox. Inside this floatbox window, there is the info link pointing to a page which shows googlemaps coordinates. If you click on this link a second Floatbox opens and shows the googlemaps. This all works fine.

What I would like to change is, that I would like to open the googlemaps thing in the same floatbox as the picture is opend with a back link to return to the picture.

I tried with "samebox:true". The googlemaps thing really opens in the same floatbox, but I have bo chance to give other options to thic changed window. So I still get the obverlay nav and all the things I defined at the picture floatbox window.

So my question is, if there is a chance to tell the floatbox to open the googeldocument in the same floatbox window with changed options and a back link to the original picture.

My info link looks at the moment like this:

info:<?php echo htmlspecialchars(getImageLinkURL());?> infoText:`Geotagging...` infoOptions:`sameBox:true width:650 height:510 showClose:true theme:black outerBorder=1 innerBorder=1 enableDragResize:false navType:none

Only the width and heigt works, all the other options are not accepted.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
That's true. You can't change the structure of the box once it's created. Things like colour theme, corners, shadows, navigation controls, etc., are all established at create time and persist until the box is destroyed. A new box can have a new structure, but you can't change an existing one dynamically.

You can't do the changed options, but you can do the link back to the previous content easily using the "fb.goBack()" function. Check out the "RSS news reader" sample under the "code" tab of the floatbox demo page for one way this can be approached.
Registered: Jan 2009
Posts: 29
Alright, as I thgought!

So I will stay with the two different boxes, because I need the different styles.

Thank you very much for your help!

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