iframe problem

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i have
<link href="include/floatbox/floatbox.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link>
<script language="javascript" src="include/floatbox/floatbox.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="include/floatbox/framebox.js"></script>
<iframe src=&#039;gallery/gallery.php?list=2&#039; style=&#039;width:100%;height:120px;overflow:visible;padding:0px;margin:0px; &#039; scrolling=&#039;no&#039; marginwidth=&#039;0&#039; marginheight=&#039;0&#039; frameborder=&#039;0&#039; vspace=&#039;0&#039; hspace=&#039;0&#039;></iframe>

in iframe i have
<a href="image1.gif" class="floatbox"><img src="image1.gif"></a>

why it's not working thx
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
There's a few things here.

In nested iframes, you need to include floatbox.js on both the top document and the child iframe document.

Make sure your paths are correct. Your script and link elements are using relative paths (no leading back-slash), and according to those paths you have a folder adjacent to the page you are running called "include", and you have the floatbox folder inside that include folder. Is this accurate?

You've got both floatbox.js and framebox.js included on your page. Don't do that. Pick one (probably floatbox.js).

You have no doctype declaration, so your page will be rendered in quirks mode and floatbox does not run on quirks mode pages. See the docs for more detail.
thank you

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