two sites, one works great, other doesn't... can't find the difference

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Author Post
Registered: Apr 2009
Posts: 81
I built both of these pages:

In the first, the images pop open nicely... perfect size, BG color, etc. In the second the popups are way too big and a different color. I can't figure it out, what would the difference be? I copied most of the code from one site to the other. Thanks!
Registered: Apr 2009
Posts: 81
Is it possible there are limitations to the floatbox directory being in the root or not?
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
On the first site, your links are to .jpg files so floatbox already knows they're images. On the second site, the links are to .asp files, which by default will load as iframes. Iframes don't report dimensions the way images do.

So for the links that go to .asp pages that return images, tell floatbox they're images by adding rev="type:img" to the anchor. I think then you will get the behaviour you're looking for. If not, let me know...
Registered: Apr 2009
Posts: 81
That did it! Thanks so much.

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