stop fb from moving down when scrolling???

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Hello :)

Is it possible to pin floatbox to a position?? I am using it as an image slideshow at the top of my page and I need it to stop moving around when I am scrolling. Every time a new image is loaded floatbox readjusts itself according to my browserwindow.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks, Marie
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
yeah that doesnt work, already tried that. If I do that the content scrolls and fb stays put. I fixed the position with boxleft and boxtop and I would like to be able to scroll away from the slideshow...

thanks again :)
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Sorry, I don't think I understand. The floatbox can either stay put when you scroll (disableScroll:true) or move with the page when you scroll (disableScroll:false). What is this third thing you want it to do?
okay I am bit confused as well actually :)
My fb moves with the page regardless of wether I disable scroll or not. With disablescroll:true I can't see it move but it stays 100 pixels from the top in my browserwindow and not the page(which is what I would like) With disablescroll:false I can move away from the fb, but when the next image is loaded it reappears in my browserwindow. It moves with the page no matter what...

Am I making any sense??
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
I think I'm getting closer to understanding your request, but I'm not quite there yet.

So we agree that you can freeze the box position with disableScroll:true and have the box scroll with the scroll bars using disableScroll:false. I'm still not clear about which behaviour you want on your page, but go ahead and use which ever one suits you.

Now I think what you want to talk about is when disableScroll is false, and the user scrolls so that the floatbox is now off-screen, and the floatbox is running a slideshow, and the slideshow loads the next image in the show, the box re-centers to the visible browser area.

If this is what you don't want to have happen, I need to question a bit about why you are using floatbox? It sounds like you want folks to be interacting with the underlying host page. The whole idea of floatbox is that it overlays that host page and does its own thing until closed, at which point the user returns to the host page.

Maybe what you really want to be doing is to setup an iframe on your host page where you want the slideshow to appear, use framebox.js inside that iframe to constrain the slideshow to the boundaries of that iframe, and then let folks interact with your host page unfettered.
Thank you for helping out :)

yes! You are right, I am not using fb for the designet purpose. I am using it as a normal slideshow because I couldnt find one with the same features as Fb. I thought it would be easy to modify it a bit, which is has been except for this of course. Maybe I should look into the iframe thing instead...
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Yeah, read up on framebox.js (included with the floatbox package) and see it in action at the bottom of (But only for the next day or two because that page will vanish very soon.)
Thank you very much for your patience - I did the iframe thing and everything is exactly how I want it now :)

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