links in Slideshow

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First of all congratulations on developing such a beautiful script! cheers!!!

I have successfully integrated a slide show of 5 images in an iframe. It work perfectly fine.

What I want next is:
There are two links on each image. I want users to be able to click on it and navigate to a different page.
I have tried using the Map but it does not work.

If the above does not have a solution: Can you tell me how to have HTML content in a slideshow? I can convert the 5 images into html and then can we have a slide show of these five elements?

Any sort of support will be a great welcome. For the last two days I have been stugling with this :( :(
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
There's some things I don't know about what you are trying to do. When the links are clicked, do you want the new content to remain inside floatbox or to load in the main page? If you want floatbox to stay open, do you want the grouping of content and the <<prev||next>> navigation to remain in place? I'll share some info with you and maybe it will be enough to cover your case.

First, I think you mean gallery when you say slideshow. A gallery is a grouping of floatbox items. A slideshow is a gallery which automatically loads the next item each few seconds.

Since your gallery is comprised of images, and is not a collection of iframes, the floatbox content is part of the main page content. So an ordinary link clicked inside the floatbox content will open in the main window. To have new content open in the existing floatbox, there are two things you can do.

The first is to use the loadAnchor function to replace the current floatbox gallery with new content. In an image map area this would look something like:
<area shape="circle" coords="79,80,20" href="newContent.html" onclick="fb.loadAnchor('newContent.html', 'sameBox:true width:xx height:yy'); return false;" />

If instead of replacing the gallery with a single new item, you wanted to show a particular item from the existing gallery you could try:
<area shape="circle" coords="79,80,20" href="whatever.html" onclick="fb.newContent(index); return false;" />, where index is the number of the gallery item you want, with the first item being 0.

Yes, you can load any content, including iframes, as a gallery collection with previous/next navigation for those items. You can load your images without change as iframe content simply by placing "type:iframe" in your rev tags. If you do this, you will need to add width and height to your rev tags as well since auto-size detection is available only for image content. Or, you can wrap your images in html and load those html pages as your floatbox gallery content.

With iframe content, you have a new window object inside floatbox. So now instead of using just "fb..." to call floatbox functions, you need to use "parent.fb..." in your function calls to find the floatbox object in the parent window. And now the direct links inside your floatbox content will open inside floatbox, because that is where the current window is for those links. There's some info about opening those links on the parent page given in this thread.

I hope this long-winded explanation helps.

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