Info Box wont get centered

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Author Post
Registered: Jan 2009
Posts: 29

I have a last little problem:

I have a floatbox with an info (Geotagging) Link, if I click on it a second floatbox opens.
If I have a portrait picture this new second floatbox is wider than the first one and is centered perfectly.

If I have a landscape picture the second floatbox is smaller than the first one and it won't be centered.

I already put the boxLeft:auto boxTop:auto options into the info link options but the second one won't be centered.

Here my example:

If you take the first picture you get portrait format, the last one is landscape.

Thanks again for your help!


Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
When a second box is smaller than the first, it is located a little higher and more to the left than dead center. This was a design choice because having a small box smack dead center of a larger box looks goofy.

If you're really determined to make the little box centered I can give you tips as to how to hack the floatbox code for this, but be forewarned - it looks kinda dumb when you do that.
Registered: Jan 2009
Posts: 29
Well, you are right! If there are to boxes to see it really looks dumb if they are centered. The centering would only be good if the overlay of the second floatbox would be nearly 100% so that only the the second can be seen.

So I think I will leave it as it is at the moment :)

Thanks a lot for your help!

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