language not changing

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I'm having problems with the language on the FB pages. In the demo all is correct in Dutch but om my sites all is in English. I've checked the folder structures and for me everything looks fine so I can't figure it out anymore.
I've made a simple test file: test.html and it is located on and on
both on different servers so I think the error has to be here on my local
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
It looks like you don't have the languages folder in place on your site. I found /floatbox, /floatbox/modules and floatbox/graphics, but returns a 404.

(If the languages folder is present, check its permissions).
Ok, I have to check with my host for the permissions. The folder is present and the little txt-file is showing on the site so it has to do with the json files
How should I set the permissions? Now they are set to 755
hello, I want to connect to this topic because I have the same problem with my floatbox

here you have an example files...

I always have english language.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
If it is a permissions problem on your server, the problem is likely with the languages folder itself, and may or may not be with the files inside that folder as well. Your graphics folder is being served just fine, so apply the same permissions as that folder. On my site, folder permissions are 644. It may not be a permissions problem for you, but you're going to need to get your server (or your host) to successfully serve the language files, such as the full url I quoted for your en.json file.

Are you sure languages aren't working on your site? A site visitor will always get the same language when visiting your site. So if the browsers you are testing from were installed as the English language localized version of that browser, you will get English. Only folks with browsers localized for other languages will get those other languages. I don't currently have a non-English localized browser to test against your site, but when I override the browser language with I get the German language, so I'm pretty sure you're ok.

update to jjack:
I re-installed Opera localized for French and got French on your site, so I'm sure you're ok.
« Last edit by admin on Fri Apr 17, 2009 3:28 pm. »
hello again, thanks for fast reply.

as you see on domain , I'm from Poland..

In configuration I have language = 'auto' in floatbox.js, when I use your link with language=de , it works fine, but when I use link :

I still have english version , I think it's default

so, any suggestions ?
Ok, I solved the problem.

The problem was with pl.json file.
I have there an error and it doesn't works.

Problem was in synax because I have replaced "Info" with some HTML.

Thank you , now it works fine for me.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Good that it's solved.
You don't need to edit the language files to change the text displayed on an info link. You can set that text using the infoText option.

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