fbCycler issue in newest version

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Author Post
Registered: Apr 2012
Posts: 5

When I try to create thumbnail cycler with 3 images, on 1st one I get additional SPAN element that breaks the layout:

<div class="fbCycler floatbox" data-fb-options="cyclePauseOnHover:true group:cycle3" id="fb_119" style="height: 137px;">
<a href="/20121105193209jeans4.jpg" data-fb-options="group:cycle3;cyclePauseOnHover:true;className:`fbCycler floatbox`;caption2:`aaa`;" id="fb_64" style="z-index: 7; visibility: hidden; display: block;">
<img class="list_photos" src="/100x100/20121105193209jeans4.jpg" title="aaa" id="fb_65" style="opacity: 0;" data-fb-src="src">

<span id="fb_124" style="opacity: 0;">aa</span>


... </div>

The above SPAN element is only visible under 1st thumbnail and it changes opacity with the IMG element. This means it fades and appears when first thumbnail is show.

How this can be fixed?
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Can you show me the problem cycler online somewhere and then I can sort it out for you.
Registered: Apr 2012
Posts: 5
I am not really able to... I am working on an intranet site which is closed to external traffic.

I have checked this a little bit more - the SPAN element is the hint that is displayed on the thumbnail hover.

Quick workaround is to hide it through CSS.

The code generation looks like so:
server-side code removed

The SPAN comes from title="'.$photo_title.'" part of the code, so alternatively I can disable it here.
« Last edit by admin on Sat Jan 04, 2014 4:11 pm. »
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Check the Options Reference for the titleAsCaption option. Setting this to false will prevent your title attribute from being used as the caption.
Registered: Apr 2012
Posts: 5
Yes, I have solved it in similar way, I have changed "title" attribute to "alt" and added Caption to data-fb-options (used only Caption2 before). This suits the requirement. Thanks.

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