Large Image Size question

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Author Post
Registered: Dec 2013
Posts: 1
I'm have a question and haven't been able to find the answer 'yet' so I'm hoping for a little help. Please...
When Floatbox loads an image, and it is a larger image, say 3mb or larger does is have to load the full size of the image or does it load only what it takes to see in the clicked on window size, and not load the full size image till it is clicked on with the (+) sign? I hope this question makes sense.

Basically I'm wondering what is the larges image file I can load and have the user have a quickly loaded slide show.
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
The entire image file must be fetched over the network before it can be shown.

There is no right answer for the largest image size that works well. It is dependent upon the client's network speed and this varies widely.

Browsers can also take their time rendering images with large pixel counts and instead of getting a clean and instantaneous presentation, the image can slowly 'paint' onto the screen, which doesn't look very good.

I try to keep images below 1MB in size. They seem to always be trouble free at this size. A little larger can be ok in most cases, but it starts to depend on the browser and network horsepower available. It can be helpful to try out your test site from an internet cafe that has cheap machines and a slow shared network.

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