Multimedia Content Not Showing Properly

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Author Post
Hello, and thank you for the wonderful web tool!

On a website I'm constructing, available here:, under the "Grammar" section, the videos set to play in floatbox accessible through the links in this section do not show up until the file is completely loaded. I noticed that under your demo section, the videos immediately show such that the screen isn't left blank in the event that load time is required.

I am using the default options from version 3.24. Is there some way to avoid the problem I'm having or am I doing something wrong?
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
I think this is a server config issue. There's nothing in particular that you need to set on the floatbox or client side to enable streaming. I think your provider is not streaming the quicktime content. Without streaming support from the server, the browser is downloading the entire file to a temp file on the local drive and then firing it up in the player.

The PC I'm on doesn't have quicktime installed, but I suspect that if you load the videos directly they will exhibit the same non-streaming behaviour. If so, you need to contact your hosting company to get streaming going, or find another host.

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