stop preloading infoBox

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Registered: Nov 2008
Posts: 26
Hello, I would like to place an iFrame in the infoBox/childBox. So far, so good. It's works well.

But, is it possible to avert preloading the infoBox/childBox contents?

Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Hi Markus,

Floatbox doesn't preload iframe content. Only images are preloaded.
Registered: Nov 2008
Posts: 26
Here is an little example:

In IE all content will be loaded first. Only when everything is loaded (Site and iFrame content), Floatbox works. In FF, Floatbox works immediately.

Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Ok. I think I see what you mean. You have your iframe inside a hidden div and IE does not initialize the javascript on the page until the iframe source content is loaded. That source content is slow to load so there is a a period of time when clicking on the image just loads the image in a new page and does not start floatbox.

In the case of your page, there is an easy fix. There is no reason to put that iframe inside a hidden div and then load the hidden div content. Just load the iframe content directly as your info link. That is, delete the entire hidden div and change rev="info:#burger... to rev="info:``....

This should take care of your particular case. If you want more info and a solution for the general problem of content clicks occurring before floatbox is ready, please see this post.
Registered: Nov 2008
Posts: 26
KOTC :mrgreen:

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