fb launch and session problem

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I am using c# with dot net and just to make things a bit more complex ajax (anthem)
Basically on the page when I click on the image it launches some javascript

function open_imageBox(image,imageDesc)


which all works fine.
However when I close the box and try and navigate it looks like my session has been reset. I know this because the application checks for a session and on expiry
redirects you to the logon page


Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
I could be wrong, but I don't think floatbox has much to do with your session woes. Floatbox doesn't do any navigation and doesn't play with session cookies (other than the one fbOptions cookie if that's enabled).

Because the floatbox display appears over top of the host page it can feel like it's some kind of a popup window. But it's just DOM calls that adds new elements to the existing page. It's exactly as if a new div was inserted inline somewhere into the page, setup to show for a while, and then removed from the page. The only difference is that the positioning of the new div is taken out of the page layout flow and displayed as stacked above the pre-existing page content.

My point in that description is that there is nothing going on in the dynamic addition and removal of divs on a page that would affect navigation or session information. We can't rule out strange side-effects or bbb (buggy browser behaviour), but there's certainly no obvious connection.
well that is very wiered. becuase my original image view
ie a web page with an imahe tag works well and doesnt terminate the session.
However soon as I add the float box in it seems to be affect it.
The session are stored in cookies and I think floatbox uses cookies ?
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
Floatbox reads and writes one cookie and only if you've got the enableCookies option set to true. By default, that is set to false. If enabled, the only cookie floatbox talks to is called "fbOptions".

Well i've just tried another one ie slimbox
doing the same thing ie launching from javascript in the same way and it appears not to do anything to my session. So i'm not sure why floatbox seems to affect it.
Anyhow I've brought it to your attention.

Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
And I appreciate you bringing it to my attention. If there's something going on in there breaking your pages it would be a Good Thing to track it down and fix it.

To this end, are you able to provide an online example where I can see the problem in action and slice and dice a bit to see where the conflict might lie?
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
I wonder if this behaviour could be an obscure manifestation of the bug in v3.12's getThumb function that is discussed in this thread.

If you don't mind taking the time, it would be great if you could edit floatbox.js (or framebox.js if you're using that) with the change described in post #6 of that thread. I think there's a chance that could fix the problem.
I did notice that one and originally had that bug and change the javascript. Unfortunatley it didnt make a difference to the session problem
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 3382
I hope you can humour me further with a little more testing and config on your side. I want floatbox to be rock solid everywhere and if it's not in your case I'd love to figure out why.

First, I wonder if the trouble occurs in the next version as well. To find out, any chance you could reference my test instance of the new version and see what happens? Here's the includes for your doc head:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://test.randomous.com/floatbox/floatbox.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://test.randomous.com/floatbox/floatbox.js"></script>

If there's no problem with that version, I won't chase it. But if the session trouble persists there, I'll need an online test case that I can bang against. If I can access an instance that exhibits the problem and includes the test floatbox code off my site, I'm sure I could figure it out.

I'd like to help out but unfortunatley chocker with work at the moment.
I had to use in the end lightwindow. After being through a few of them now.
I think a light weight javascript one where
you can resize the image to fit the window and is simple to use is the key.
I must admit I did have problems getting some of them to work

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